Choosing a Measurement System for LED Sources, Luminaires, and Displays

LEDs remain a pivotal light-emitting element in a range of lighting products and displays. For manufacturers of these devices, it is important to evaluate the performance of LEDs and LED-based systems in objective and meaningful ways. The purpose of the measurement—to inform development, to characterize or evaluate finished products, to ensure production quality control, or to enable device performance assessment in the field—determines the photometric and colorimetric quantities that must be measured. This guide offers insight for choosing the best measurement system for LED sources, luminaires, and displays in order to acquire the most accurate data for these purposes.
In this White Paper, you will learn about:
- LED Brightness and Color
- Measurement Considerations
- Near and Far-Field Measurements
- How Imaging Colorimetry Applies to LEDs
- Methods of Measuring LED Devices
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