Radiant Presents Solutions for HUD Measurement and Sparkle Detection at SID Vehicle Displays Detroit
Mon, September 11, 2017
REDMOND, Wash. – September 11, 2017 — Radiant Vision Systems, the leading provider of visual test and inspection systems for electronic displays, announces that it will exhibit and present technical topics at the SID (Society for Information Display) Vehicle Displays Detroit 24th Annual Symposium and Expo taking place at Burton Manor Conference Center in Livonia, Michigan, September 26-27. From table #26, Radiant will showcase advanced solutions to address the latest challenges in automotive display technologies, including HUD (head-up display) measurement for SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) standards compliance, sparkle measurement matched to human visual perception, and a conoscope lens solution for evaluating view angle performance in embedded displays.
Vehicle Displays Detroit provides a dedicated forum for engineers and designers to learn and experience the latest in automotive display technologies, from touch HMIs and augmented reality HUDs to the latest flexible OLED products. A leader in test and measurement solutions for over two decades, Radiant Vision Systems leverages its expertise evaluating leading-edge consumer electronics devices – including LED, OLED, and AR technologies – to solve emerging challenges in automotive display manufacturing and quality control. From the Vehicle Displays exhibit floor, a live demonstration of Radiant’s ProMetric® Y Imaging Photometer will illustrate how it mirrors human perception in the evaluation of “sparkle” on in-vehicle displays with applied anti-glare film. Utilizing advanced algorithms for image analysis in Radiant’s TrueTest™ Automated Visual Inspection Software, a Radiant system goes beyond automating human quality determinations to quantify visual quality thresholds, providing objective data points for highly-repeatable display measurement. Radiant cameras also offer hardware modularity to adapt to additional display measurement applications. Affixed to either a ProMetric Imaging Colorimeter or Photometer, the new Radiant conoscope lens can optionally be applied to assess display view angle performance, taking a single measurement to evaluate luminance, chromaticity, and contrast to ±58 degrees at once.
In addition to a tabletop exhibit, Radiant will present a technical session during the Vehicle Displays Technical Program on the first day of the symposium. Part of Session 3: Head-Up Displays (September 26 from 1:50-3:30 P.M.), Radiant Automotive Business Leader Matt Scholz will present “Automated Solutions for SAE Standard HUD Measurement” illustrating how photometric imaging solutions greatly reduce the time and complexity to meet the measurement criteria specified by SAE J1757-2 standard “Optical System HUD for Automotive.” This technical session (3.5) will take place September 26 from 3:10-3:30 P.M., with an opportunity for audience questions following the presentation.
Complimentary registration for Vehicle Displays Detroit is available courtesy of Radiant using ID Code GEX32. For information or to register for Vehicle Displays Detroit, visit www.vehicledisplay.org. Learn more about Radiant Vision Systems by visiting table #26 at the exhibit or online at www.RadiantVisionSystems.com.
About Radiant Vision Systems
Radiant Vision Systems works with world-class brands and manufacturers to deliver creative visual inspection solutions that improve quality, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction. Radiant’s legacy of technology innovation in photometric imaging and worldwide install base date back more than 25 years and address applications from consumer electronics to automotive manufacturing. Radiant Vision Systems product lines include TrueTest™ automated visual inspection software for display systems, and ProMetric® imaging colorimeters, photometers, and light source measurement systems. Radiant is headquartered in Redmond, Washington, USA, with strategic offices in China and South Korea. Radiant has been a part of Konica Minolta’s Sensing Business Unit since August 2015. For more information, visit www.RadiantVisionSystems.com.
Radiant Vision Systems works with world-class brands and manufacturers to deliver creative visual inspection solutions that improve quality, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction. Radiant’s legacy of technology innovation in photometric imaging and worldwide install base date back more than 25 years and address applications from consumer electronics to automotive manufacturing. Radiant Vision Systems product lines include TrueTest™ automated visual inspection software for display systems, and ProMetric® imaging colorimeters, photometers, and light source measurement systems. Radiant is headquartered in Redmond, Washington, USA, with strategic offices in China and South Korea. Radiant has been a part of Konica Minolta’s Sensing Business Unit since August 2015. For more information, visit www.RadiantVisionSystems.com.
Press Contact:
Shaina Warner
Creative Marketing Specialist
Creative Marketing Specialist
Radiant Vision Systems
+1 (425) 844-0152 x587