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HUD in-vehicle testing
White Papers

Correcting 3D AR-HUD Image Distortion and Defects at the Final Assembly Stage

etched sunroof thumbnail image
White Papers

Emerging Challenges in Smart Glass Quality: Measuring & Calibrating LED Edge-Lit Sunroofs

Whitepaper - Measuring and Correcting MicroLED Display Uniformity
White Papers

Measuring and Correcting MicroLED Display Uniformity

Fractional Pixel Method for Improved Pixel-Level Measurement and Correction (Demura) of High-Resolution Displays
White Papers

Fractional Pixel Method for Improved Pixel-Level Measurement and Correction (Demura) of High-Resolution Displays

White Papers

How to Use Imaging Colorimeters to Correct OLED, MicroLED, and Other Emissive Displays for Improved Production Efficiency and Yields

White Papers

Methods for Measuring Small Defects in Automotive Curved Displays

White Papers

Measuring Near-Infrared (NIR) Light Sources for Effective 3D Facial Recognition

White Papers

Quantifying Human Vision: Using Photometry-based Imaging Systems for Cosmetic Surface Inspection

White Papers

Enabling Display Measurement within Augmented & Virtual Reality Headsets

White Papers

Cables, Connectors, and Screws (Oh My!): Improve Detection of Common Assembly Defects to Reduce Latent Failures

White Papers

Method for Repeatable Measurement of Sparkle in Anti-Glare Displays

White Papers

Where No Machine Has Gone Before: Automated Assembly Verification that Surpasses Manual Inspection for Speed, Accuracy and Consistency


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