Radiant Hosts Educational Seminar on Light and Color Measurement in Detroit Area
REDMOND, Wash. – August 29, 2019— Radiant Vision Systems, a leading provider of imaging systems for measurement of light sources and displays, announces that it will host a half-day educational seminar on “Light & Color Measurement” in the Detroit, Michigan, area on September 26, 2019. Seminars are led by Radiant’s team of photometric imaging experts, and include live demonstrations of display testing, backlit symbol evaluation, and LED intensity measurement using Radiant TrueTest™ Automated Visual Inspection Software and ProSource® Light Measurement Software. Radiant Technical Sales Engineer Bret Stonebridge and Automotive Business Leader Matt Scholz will host the upcoming seminar, which takes place at The Henry hotel in Dearborn, Michigan, U.S.A.
Lighting and displays are essential components in products for electronics, automotive, aerospace, and other industries. Manufacturers are adopting modern LCD, OLED, microLED, and other technologies to develop innovative device interfaces, more efficient & safer operations, and improved user experiences. To ensure positive ROI, manufacturers are tasked with understanding how illuminated components impact the overall design, quality, and function of these products. Building on its successful 2019 seminar series, Radiant continues to provide education and up-close examples of light-emitting products with seminars in new locations throughout North America. Radiant’s live seminar series offers a fundamental introduction to photometric principles for light and color metrology and presents imaging solutions that can accurately simulate human visual perception to ensure the most accurate evaluation of product design and function. These solutions also answer the need for quality control on the production line, where they are used in fully automated integrations to optimize operations throughout manufacturing.
Attendees of Radiant’s “Light & Color Measurement” seminar will learn:
• The fundamentals of light and color measurement
• How the human eye responds to light
• How to capture and quantify meaningful qualities of light and color using photometric systems for objective analysis and automation
• The components of a successful light measurement solution
• Applications and considerations for evaluation of displays, backlit symbols, and light sources
Demonstrations of photometric measurement will be provided during the Detroit seminar using Radiant ProMetric® Imaging Colorimeters and Photometers, ProSource Software, and TrueTest Software, with an opportunity to discuss applications with the Radiant team following the presentation. Radiant seminars are hosted between 10AM-1:30PM and are free to attend, with complimentary lunch and refreshments provided to all attendees.
For more information or to register for the September 26th seminar in Detroit, Michigan, visit http://go.radiantvs.com/light-and-color-seminar-series.html. Learn more about Radiant Vision Systems at www.RadiantVisionSystems.com.
About Radiant Vision Systems
Radiant Vision Systems works with world-class brands and manufacturers to deliver creative visual inspection solutions that improve quality, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction. Radiant’s legacy of technology innovation in photometric imaging and worldwide install base date back more than 25 years and address applications from consumer electronics to automotive manufacturing. Radiant Vision Systems product lines include TrueTest™ automated visual inspection software for quality control, and ProMetric® imaging colorimeters, photometers, and light source measurement systems. Radiant is headquartered in Redmond, Washington, USA, with strategic offices in California, Michigan, China, and South Korea. Radiant has been a part of Konica Minolta’s Sensing Business Unit since August 2015. For more information, visit www.RadiantVisionSystems.com.
Press Contact:
Shaina Warner
Creative Marketing Specialist
Radiant Vision Systems
+1 (425) 844-0152 x587
[email protected]